Guest harbour

+358 (0)400868781

Weekdays 16-20 and weekends 12-20 +358405480171


Satamakatu 18


Kaskinen’s Guest Harbour is situated in the idyllic town centre with its wooden houses. A direct channel from the open sea leads to the sheltered harbour. 50 mooring places, depth 3.5 meters

All necessary services are found in the harbour.

- diesel fuel
- septic tank
- sauna, shower, washing machine, drying machine
- lounge with microwave oven

The guest harbour shop sells bread and pastries, coffee, ice cream, vegetables and souvenirs.

The following services are available within a radius of 500 meters:

- grocery store
- health care station and pharmacy
- library (with free WIFI and public computers)
- hotel
- restaurant, café, grill
- gas station
- souvenir and handicraft shops
- children’s playground
- smoked fish facility

Tourist information is available in the harbour 15.6-15.8.


Kaskisten Vierasvenesatama 2024 hinnasto    (1.5. - 1.9.)
Kaskö Gästhamn 2024 prislista, price    (1.5.- 1.9.)

N 62° 22' 49.05", E 21° 13' 7.64"          

Satamamaksu 28€  / vuorokausi (sisältäen sähkön, veden, pyykinpesun ja -kuivauksen)
Päiväkäynti 5 €  /  kerta
Sauna 20€ tunti ja lisätunnit 10€

Hamnavgift 28 €  / dygn (inkl. elektricitet, vatten, tvätt och tork)
Parkering över dagen 5 €  / gång
Bastu 20€  timme och tilläggstimmar 10€

Harbour fee 28 €  / night (including electricity, water, wash and dry)
Parking over day 5 € / time
Sauna 20€ hour and 10€ for extra hours

Hafengebühr 28 € / Nacht (enthält Strom, Wasser, Wäsche und Trocken)
Gastliegeplatz/Parken für einen Tag 5 €
Sauna 20 € Stunde,  zusätzl. Stunden 10€

Rent a bike:

Tervetuloa Kaskisiin!                        
Välkommen till Kaskö!
Welcome to Kaskinen!                  
Willkommen in Kaskinen!