Cykeluthyrning Peede

Enjoy a bicycle ride in Kaskinen - interesting places to visit can be found in all points of the compass.

Renting and returning at Aleksanterinkatu 20 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. or according to agreement.


Sea charter services in Kaskinen are run by

Oy Kaskinen Sea-Charter AB

Boat taxi services, sea cruises and fishing trips


+358 (0)400868781

Weekdays 16-20 and weekends 12-20 +358405480171


Satamakatu 18


Annes hantverk

This unique little shop of Anne is in her home, which is a beautiful blue house close to the Northern end of Raatihuoneenkatu. The entrance is the same as the front door of her home, so just enter the yard and ring the doorbell.

information about healthcare services:

Timber, building materials, paint, glass service, tools, batteries, clothing, household utensils.

Adress: Perämiehenkatu 2 / Styrmansgatan 2
64260 Kaskinen

Tel. 050 5751307

Opening hours Monday to Friday 9-17, Sat. 10-14

Kauneushoitola Irmeli

Ruotsinkatu 1

040 565 9159

Bladhska gården

Cneiffinpolku 1 

64260 Kaskinen

tel +358-50-5915450 

Hotel Rooms and a spacious apartment for rent at sea in the center of Kaskinen next to restaurant Sininen Hetki.


Supermarket SALE

Marianrannankatu 1 / Mariestrandsgatan 1 +358-10 7648820

Open Monday to Friday 7-21, Sat 7-18, Sun 12-18

A supermarket, post office and fuel.


Vi kallar oss Ö-Spel, för att vi kommer från Kaskö, som är en ö. Vår repertoar består av all slags folk- och etnomusik. Vi sjunger och spelar olika instrument. Sonja spelar pianodragspel och tvåradigt. Rose-Marie spelar fiol, flöjt och bodhran och Stina spelar fiol och mandolin.

-Parturipalvelu Albertiina

Tarjan Taide & Musiikki/toimisto

Tarja Kuusisto

Roopertinkatu 13 B 9

64260 Kaskinen



Bladhintie 35
64260 Kaskinen

tel. +358 44 776 0902, fax (06) 2227356, email:

Opening hours

Mon 9-16, Tue 9-16, Thu 9-16.45, Fri 9-16 Sat-Sun: closed

Krukmakeri Murray

James & Raija Murray's charming ceramic shop and atelier. Open whenever this Irish-Finnish couple is at home. You will find them either in the shop or working in the atelier building in the yard. You are also welcome to look around in their beautiful garden.

Sonjas lillstuga

A charming retro style shop in an old bakery that is situated behind the beautiful yellow house of the artist and shop owner Sonja Lapveteläinen.  Open whenever Sonja is at home, just ring the doorbell.

Prins Eerikinkatu 5 / Prins Eriksgatan 5

tel. 040 728 7959


Strand Loppis

Address: Satamakatu 12

Tel. 0400-567244 Taina Pajulahti

Opening hours mainly

Saturday 11-15

A well organized small shop with a wide range of second hand goods.


BICOM-bioresonance therapy can help with

  • Allergies/ intolerances
  • Skin- and respiratory problems
  • Stomach problems

Taxi Christer Bonde
Tel. 06-2228060, 0400-363967

Taxi Tom Holmlund
Tel. 044-0121803

Bladhska gården


The Bladh House, heart of the town

The founder of Kaskinen, Peter Johan Bladh built this house in the 18th century. According to the rumor, it was originally built in Sweden, then taken into pieces, transferred to Finland by  ship and rebuilt on its current location in 1788.




In the summer at the guest harbour +358 400868781  


Tourist information at the town hall, address Raatihuoneenkatu 34, Kaskinen
Phone: +358 400 868781 or +358 6 2207711


Vuokkos galleri


A small art gallery in the centre of Kaskinen. Several exhibitions every year.

Open whenever she is at home - ring the doorbell or call.

Raatihuoneenkatu / Rådhusgatan 51

Vuokko Kuhalampi 041 4416274

Zonterapi, Ayurvedavård

Diplomerad zonterapeut, diplomerad ayurveda terapeut
Aune Hakala